The Flowerings of Villa della Pergola Gardens

At any time of the year, you’ll find a variety of colorful flowers blooming at the Gardens of Villa della Pergola.  This list indicates what’s blooming by season 

Seasonal issues: every season is different. If, for instance, we have a very cold spring, this will probably
push back the bloom times of many early season flowers. Alternatively, if we have a very warm spring, many
plants will bloom early. A hot, dry summer with drought conditions may also cause a change in bloom times.

The list shown below lets you see at a glance when each type plant is at its peak.



(time may vary due to climate conditions)


March| April

Wisteria, Cesalpinia, Iris, Spiree, Roses, Erythrina Coralloides


April | May

 Wisteria, Roses, Citrus, Opuntiae, Echium, Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides


May | June

 Lavanda, Nymphea, Solanum, Opuntiae, Wisteria summer flowering, Citrus flowering


June | July

Agapanthus, Lotus flowers, Ortensie Annabelle, Quercifoglie,
Hydrangea, Tropical Nymphea, Blue Nymphea, Cactaceae, Hemerocallis Stella de Oro, Wisteria Sinensis summer flowering


July | August

Oleanders, Agapanthus, Hibiscus, Lantanas, Strelitzia Nicolai, Lotus Flowers, Waterlilies, Canna Indica, Wisteria Sinensis summer flowering


August | September

 Oleanders, Bignonia, Lantane, Datura, Hibiscus, Myrtle,  Avocados showing their fruits


September | November 

Hibiscus, Oleanders, Lantanas, Plumbago, Imperial Dahlia, Citrus showing their fruits, Myrtles showing their fruits, Avocados showing their fruits

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