Hibiscus is an ornamental plant native to Asia and the Pacific, highly appreciated for its splendid blooms.
It is part of the large Malvaceae family to which various herbaceous, annual and perennial plants belong.
In nature there are more than 300 different varieties of the genus Hibiscus.
The hibiscus of Giardini di Villa della Pergola gave a very special flowering this year: their full bloom is underway right now, in October, offering visitors to the Gardens a unique opportunity to see them in bloom in autumn during guided tours.
Just think that last year, in August, flowering had already ended in August.
This is most likely due to the anomalous climate of this early autumn and the consequent changes in temperature.
Here are the names of some varieties of Hibiscus that you can admire in the Gardens of Villa della Pergola:
Hibiscus Fijan Gold
Hibiscus Hanna
Hibiscus White Kalakawa
Hibiscus Lady in Red
Hibiscus Dragon's Breath
Hibiscus Great Satan
Hibiscus Ibiza
Hibiscus Envy
Hibiscus General Corteges
Hibiscus Apricot
Hibiscus Fire Bird
Hibiscus Black Beauty
Curiosities about hibiscus
The first information on its cultivation methods dates back to the period of the court of Suleiman the Magnificent.
His representations in Gauguin's paintings of the Polynesian period are famous, a land where, traditionally, he has always been worn in the hair of girls.
Karkadè is produced from its flower, used for tea and herbal teas.